Friday, October 3, 2008

Sen. Biden performed superbly in his debate with Gov. Palin

Posted by Shyam Moondra

Sen. Biden did a superb job in articulating why the next administration needs to focus on the middle-class, need to move away from disastrous Bush-McCain policies on Iraq, regulation, tax cuts for the rich, and confrontational foreign policy. He brought out his common touch when he talked about his middle-class upbringing. I was afraid he will say something stupid, as Sen. McCain hoped for, but he didn't. Biden offered a lot more substance than Gov. Palin did - she just provided some talking points. Biden was very gracious and treated Palin with respect which provided a sharp contrast to how McCain treated Sen. Obama during their first presidential debate - McCain came across as angry and disrespectful which made him look unpresidential.

Biden, with complete command of the issues, is clearly ready to be president but I didn't feel the same way about Palin, who came across as shallow in her understanding of the complex issues and she offered simplistic common-sense views rather than well thought out solutions.

McCain has run one of the worst campaigns in the history: telling lies, being not forthcoming, having no vision for the future (there is more to the problems than just pork-barrel projects!), and offering no solutions to a wide range of problems. McCain has proven to be erratic and impulsive (lacks calmness and steady hands in the face of crisis - almost as if he doesn't know what to do, as demonstrated in his suspending campaign and saying that he will not debate and then flip-flopping), a man who could very easily make a bad decision. Also, McCain made an unwise choice in Palin who is clearly not qualified and not ready to be the vice president, heart-beat away from the presidency.